Watsonia pillansii

Family: Iridaceae Common names: Pillan’s Watsonia, Orange Watsonia (Eng.)Knolpypie, Lakpypie, Suurknol (Afrk.)

Watsonia pillansii is a beautiful wildflower native to only South Africa. It is a member of the Iridaceae family that captivates the eye with its vibrant orange flowers and evergreen leaves.

Orange Watsonia is a geophytic plant that grows up to 1 to 1.2 meters. It has smooth, sword-shaped leaves that are light green and have translucent yellow margins. The leaves are slightly twisted. It grows in clumps with lots of corms underneath the ground. The flowers are its main attraction, appearing in dense clusters at the top of sturdy stalks. They bloom from September to April, displaying striking bright orange to orange-reddish petals, luring pollinators like bees and birds.

Watsonia pillansii grows in clumps , in large colonies in grassland and on rocky areas of altitude up to 2400m.

It is pollinated by bees, butterflies, and sunbirds. Watsonias are one of the porcupine’s favourite meals, particularly the corms.

It is popular in the cut flower and horticulture industry due to its bright colours and long-lasting flowers.

It occurs only in South Africa, in only three provinces, namely: Eastern Cape, KwaZulu-Natal, and Western Cape. In KwaZulu-Natal, it also occurs in the midlands. It can take both summer and winter rainfall, provided it is planted in well-drained soil. It takes light frost. Mostly-sunny conditions are best.

The easiest and quickest way to propagate it is by dividing the clump with a spade and replant. In the right conditions, it is a low-maintenance and long-lived plant.

Dineo Dibakwane and Ndiyafhi Muthuhadini South African National Biodiversity Institute June 2023

Thanks to Peter Warren for the photos.


  • Foden, W. & Potter, L. 2005. Watsonia pillansii L.Bolus. National Assessment: Red List of South African Plants version 2020.1. Accessed on 2023/06/24.
  • Manning, John, and Peter Goldblatt. The Colour Encyclopedia of Cape Bulbs. Timber Press, 2002.
  • Watsonia Pillansii.” PlantZAfrica, South African National Biodiversity Institute, https://pza.sanbi.org/watsonia-pillansii.
  • Pooley, E. 2005. A field guide to wild flowers KwaZulu-Natal and the eastern regions. The Flora Publications Trust, Durban.

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