Green Grant Builds Resilience in Mpophomeni

A small group of conservationists, food growers and environmental activists have started the Mpophomeni Conservation Group under the auspices of Midlands Conservancies Forum.  They host regular walks and talks, screen environmental movies and hold discussion groups on environmental issues. Their own organic food gardens are living/working examples of sustainable living.

r mpophomeni girls with cabbages

In South Africa, an estimated 1.5 million children suffer from malnutrition, 14 million people are vulnerable to food insecurity, 43% of households suffer from food poverty.  School children who are hungry cannot concentrate or perform to their potential.  There are 35 000 residents in Mpophomeni, the HIV rate is over 60%, and Unemployment about 80%.

The Global Green Grants Fund have provided funding to start this process.  To begin with, low energy cooking equipment was purchased.  Ntombenhle Mtambo was so delighted with the Wonderbag and Sunstove “We can do other things while our food cooks, we don’t have to watch it all the time and it will save so much electricity.”

r mpophomeni girls with cookers

Tutu Zuma set water on to heat right away in her SunStove for herbal tea (herbs just picked from her garden, naturally).

tutu sunstoves mpop res

That evening Penz Malinga made vegetable curry on the Istofu and was amazed at how little wood it needed to cook “It’s unbelievable”, while Tutu’s neighbours all snuggled around hers as it kept them warm indoors – no smoke!

penz with istofu.crop. jpg

A week later, some of the garden equipment arrived. Penz had the most fun spraypainting red symbols so they would be identifiable.

r mpophomeni tools spray painting

Ntombenhle Mtambo is absolutely thrilled. “I have never owned so many tools, before my hands were my tools. I love them all! Now we have to go out there and educate people about how to grow food and help each other.”

r mpop ntombenhle is thrilled

Lindiwe Mkhize “My favourite tool is the small yellow garden trowel. First I have to use the pick remake my veggie beds and collect manure in my bucket.” 

r lindiwe ntombehle mpophomeni tools 030

Shine Murphy helped with delivery and was rewarded with an impressive cabbage!

cabbage for shine res

Despite her garden being absolutely devastated by rats this winter, Ntombenhle has redesigned and replanted with renewed enthusiasm – see her wonderful old garden at:

ntombenhle new garden Aug 2013 mpop res

Memebers of the Mpophomeni Kidz Club (aso an MCG intiative) are also excited by the abundance of tools and cannot wait to start helping in one another’s gardens. The hosepipe is their absolute favourite!

helping tutu water  mpop res

Penz has already planted peanuts and rhubarb, a tree tomato, peas, onions and spinach and built a compost heap.

penz compost heap aug 2013 mpop res

MCG plan to inspire others in their communities to think about their lifestyles with regards to sustainability, resilience, climate change, biodiversity conservation and animal rights.  Leading by example MCG intends to help and influence their neighbours , one garden at a time by hosting workshops and gardening parties (known as ilima in Zulu culture) to assist people to improve their gardens, grow indigenous plants and food plants.

101010 veggie garden in the making R

The idea being that being that while they work, they informally chat about recycling, sustainable living and environmental issues.  Their own lifestyles, homes and gardens will provide the inspiration to share their vision of a better, greener, kinder and more sustainable future for their community. Read more about Tutu Zuma’s inspiring garden at

r bronze mustard chinese cabbage tutu mpop

Next up: water tanks and gutters to harvest rainwater, fencing to stop chickens and goats from helping themselves, a brushcutter and plenty of old hay to mulch the gardens and build more compost heaps.

bulelani goats mpop res

Ntombenhle and Tutu have approached the uMngeni Municipality to turn two areas of wasteland into community gardens.

“We would like to help the community we live in. We would like to see them learn to understand the importance of nature and caring for the environment where they live in their daily lives, every day.  Learning about these things will open their eyes, save money, water, energy and give them opportunities to earn money out of waste and gardening. 

We would love to get rid of all the dumping sites because they cause misery for those who live near them, the rubbish blocks the storm water drains, rotting things smell bad and can cause disease. We need to teach the community that much of the waste is useful so they stop dumping and causing problems. Education is key for people to take advantage of opportunities to grow food and improve their lives.  Programmes like “One Home, One Garden” fail because although they are given trees and seeds, most people do not have fences or information on how to make a garden or plant a tree.  We would like to help people to start gardens and be able to sell surplus or donate to those in need.

Previously, we have approached the Municipality, but despite promises, nothing has happened.  We are still standing and proud to carry on doing the things we believe are most important – growing food and helping the community.”

finger painting in mpop res.

Watch this exciting initiative unfold! Join Mpophomeni Hills group on facebook:!/groups/321905831247501/

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About Midlands Conservancies Forum

Welcome to the Midlands Conservancies Forum Blog. The conservancy movement in South Africa has its roots in KZN Midlands with Balgowan being the first conservancy established in 1978 by landowners in the area who were concerned about the reduction in the number of game and general degradation of the environment. Today there are 14 conservancies within or overlapping the Umgeni Local Municipality. In keeping pace with international environmental issues and the ever-increasing threat to our dwindling biodiversity the conservancy movement has expanded its influence to include challenges way beyond the founding concerns for the reduction in game and general degradation of the environment. The fact of the matter is that, at the very least, the state of the environment in the KZN Midlands is of vitally and direct importance to well in excess of 3 million people who depend largely on this region for their fresh water. In terms of global the planet has 34 biodiversity hotspots which are the Earth’s most biologically rich and threatened areas. These hotspots hold especially high numbers of unique species, yet their combined area now covers only 2.3 percent of the Earth's land surface. South Africa is home to 3 of the 34 global biodiversity hotspots and the Midlands not only falls into the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany hotspot but is one of the 21 priority nodes that have been identified by the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund for investment aimed at securing existing biodiversity. The Midlands Conservancy Forum is proud to have been awarded a two year grant that has been used to establish the MCF Biodiversity Stewardship project that is working closely with KZN Wildlife. The reality of the Conservancy movement is that it has until know been championed by volunteers who are landowners and, in many cases, have precious little time and therefore this needs to be used to the maximum potential. This has lead to the establishment, and current success, of the MCF. It is an ideal forum to share knowledge, experiences and collectively tackle common issues in the most co-0rdinated and effective way possible. It is also a forum that has the capacity, through its landowner support base, geographical influence and biological inventory, to attract funding for critical environmental projects. It is also a forum for any and all government departments, NGOs and industries to engage with environmentally minded landowners. Through this blog we hope to promote the aims of the MCF in general and the sharing of information in particular. It is your platform to express and respond to ideas and concerns. Please use it wisely and respectfully!

4 thoughts on “Green Grant Builds Resilience in Mpophomeni

  1. Pingback: Peach Blossom & Peas in Pops | Plant Abundance

  2. Pingback: Being the change we want to see

  3. Pingback: Sharing Seeds and Inspiration | Midlands Conservancies Forum

  4. Meriel mitchell

    Such a good news story despite the sad sad statistics in yr second paragraph. Keep the gardens growing and spreading …good news is contagious.



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