Fracking Issues – Right Here

Lions Bush Conservancy are justifiably concerned about fracking, as we all should be.  The LBC Committee put together the following information gleaned from an SABC2 program during March.

Hydraulic fracturing (termed fracking for short) to release gas from shale beds is a real possibility in the KwaZulu Natal Midlands. All of Lions Bush Conservancy has underlying shale beds of the Karroo geological system. However, it is possible that fracking may not be viable in our area due to the presence of dolerite dykes that cross the area. The LBC committee is hoping in the near future to have some clarity on this by having a geologist give a presentation to members.

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The SABC2’s program on the 3rd of March featured an interview with a journalist who has been investigating fracking overseas for a number of years. He stated that one of the consequences of fracking is the contamination of the ground water with gas and hazardous chemicals.  These pollutants can also enter the streams and rivers of the area and cause sickness. As most of the Conservancy’s members rely on either groundwater or the stream and rivers of the area, any contamination could have negative consequences.

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As fracking is believed to create large number of jobs and the gas extracted could have enormous economic benefit for the country, the present government is more than likely to go ahead with fracking. With the mineral resources of the country in the hands of the government, landowners will have no say in the implementation of fracking. The journalist mentioned above recommends that a landowner should have his water source (if sourced from groundwater or streams) chemically tested before any exploration for fracking starts and obtain a certificate detailing the results.  Should fracking occur and the landowner’s water is contaminated, this certificate can be used to verify the fact that contamination has occurred and the extent thereof. Hopefully then damages can be claimed (see Insurance issues at end of article).

taking water sample res.

Judy Bell, Chair of MCF has put together a proposal to the Water Research Commission for a project to create a data base of freshwater sources in the area.  This would assist landowners with the costs associated with water testing as these can be quite high.  An extract from the proposal:

“The Midlands of KwaZulu Natal (KZN) is considered an area worthy of Hydraulic Fracturing for extraction of shale gas (Fracking) as shown in the following map. Prospecting licences have been issued and the Midlands landowners and other residents have requested an assessment is undertaken to understand the baseline of water quality, prior to any prospecting taking place.

fracking midlands map

The Midlands Conservancies Forum is located within the uMgungungdlovu District Municipality and within a National Freshwater Ecosystem Priority Area. Around 5 million people currently rely on this river and its tributaries for water. In order to determine the amount of shale gas present in the Midlands and its viability as an energy source, prospecting will need to take place. This activity has the potential to affect ground-water quality. For the decision to be taken to prospect, a baseline assessment of water resources, their quality and usage is required to understand the impact any change in water quality may have from prospecting.

Currently, this information is not comprehensive enough to inform decision-making. This project will help to determine how much non-municipal water is being used in the KZN Midlands, for what purpose and its quality over a dry and wet season.

This project’s work will build the capacity of the relevant regulators and inform decision-making relating to fracking and other potential developments in this National Freshwater Priority Area. The database of water resources (both ground- and surface water) currently used by those without access to a Municipal supply will be able to be maintained by the Department of Water Affairs after the completion of the project.

The database of water quality from the snapshot of analytical results of these resources during a wet and dry season, will enhance the knowledge of the status of the water in the area. The development of standards against which the analytical results can be assessed will assist regulators and users alike.”

Another fracking issue to consider is that of Insurance. 

Treasure the Karoo Action Group (TKAG) and AfriForum have formally approached South African Insurers and the South African Insurance Association to clarify their policy on the unique risks presented by shale gas mining and ancillary activities.

With the advent of new technology and shale gas mining spreading at a rapid pace in the United States, insurance providers are scrambling to review their polices and adjust accordingly.  For many companies, such as Nationwide, one of the largest insurance companies in the United States, a thorough review of the damages that can arise due to fracking and other drilling activities, has led to the conclusion that it is better for the company to refuse coverage altogether for any damages related to fracking.

According to an internal memo outlining the company’s policy, “After months of research and discussion, we have determined that the exposures presented by hydraulic fracturing are too great to ignore. Risks involved with hydraulic fracturing are now prohibited for General Liability, Commercial Auto, Motor Truck Cargo, Auto Physical Damage and Public Auto (insurance) coverage.”  Unsurprisingly, this information has raised legal questions and valid concerns for many US home and property owners.

TKAG CEO, Jonathan Deal is of the opinion that the issue of liability for and indemnity from likely claims is something that communities, homeowners and farmers must be informed about. “The potential for loss here – as a result of an accident – or simply accumulated and unanticipated impacts over a period of time – is enormous, and anyone exposed to these risks – even road users, and people with occasional passing exposure to the activity has an undeniable right to be properly informed by their insurer ahead of time.”

Fracking debate on SAfm: Friday 30 May 2014

WWF and SAfm are hosting a debate and panel discussion on fracking on Friday morning, 30 May at 07:30 – 09:30. TKAG will be represented by Jonathan Deal. Other speakers will include Mariette Liefferink (Federation for a Sustainable Environment) , Dhesigen Naidoo (Water Research Commission) and several others.

Follow these easy steps: Vote in favour or against this motion: ‘fracking threatens our water resources’.

  1. Cast your vote online at or send an sms to 34701 (R2 per sms) on Friday morning 30 May 07:30 to 09:30
  2. Tune in or listen online at

fracking web

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About Midlands Conservancies Forum

Welcome to the Midlands Conservancies Forum Blog. The conservancy movement in South Africa has its roots in KZN Midlands with Balgowan being the first conservancy established in 1978 by landowners in the area who were concerned about the reduction in the number of game and general degradation of the environment. Today there are 14 conservancies within or overlapping the Umgeni Local Municipality. In keeping pace with international environmental issues and the ever-increasing threat to our dwindling biodiversity the conservancy movement has expanded its influence to include challenges way beyond the founding concerns for the reduction in game and general degradation of the environment. The fact of the matter is that, at the very least, the state of the environment in the KZN Midlands is of vitally and direct importance to well in excess of 3 million people who depend largely on this region for their fresh water. In terms of global the planet has 34 biodiversity hotspots which are the Earth’s most biologically rich and threatened areas. These hotspots hold especially high numbers of unique species, yet their combined area now covers only 2.3 percent of the Earth's land surface. South Africa is home to 3 of the 34 global biodiversity hotspots and the Midlands not only falls into the Maputaland-Pondoland-Albany hotspot but is one of the 21 priority nodes that have been identified by the Critical Ecosystems Partnership Fund for investment aimed at securing existing biodiversity. The Midlands Conservancy Forum is proud to have been awarded a two year grant that has been used to establish the MCF Biodiversity Stewardship project that is working closely with KZN Wildlife. The reality of the Conservancy movement is that it has until know been championed by volunteers who are landowners and, in many cases, have precious little time and therefore this needs to be used to the maximum potential. This has lead to the establishment, and current success, of the MCF. It is an ideal forum to share knowledge, experiences and collectively tackle common issues in the most co-0rdinated and effective way possible. It is also a forum that has the capacity, through its landowner support base, geographical influence and biological inventory, to attract funding for critical environmental projects. It is also a forum for any and all government departments, NGOs and industries to engage with environmentally minded landowners. Through this blog we hope to promote the aims of the MCF in general and the sharing of information in particular. It is your platform to express and respond to ideas and concerns. Please use it wisely and respectfully!

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